Rule of Life
We Monastic types often follow what is called a "Rule of Life". I was wondering if others out there also did, or if anyone would care to share what they do.
A Rule of Life is simply a structure in which spiritual formation is facilitated. The Latin term is regula, which we get our word regulation. I know most modern Christians don't like to think on rules constraining them, but each person's own Rule regulates their life in a way they see that is helps them to grow. It should be something you yearn to do. It is a tool for growth, not a pair of steel shackles.
The point of a Rule of Life, for communities or individuals, is that life should be lived in balance, with God as the focal point. A Rule of Life can provide us with the information and guidelines we need to get on the path of intentional practice of our Faith, and the loving accountability we need to keep us there. My Order has one that the Brothers follow, and we individualize it for our personal circumstances.
I find that there is strength in joining forces with others who have a similar hunger and desire to live the way of Jesus in the here and now. There is no doubt that we will fall short of keeping the rule in consistent ways, but this is why St. Benedict called his monasteries a "School for the Lord's service."
Practicing a Rule of Life with others moves us against the grain of our individualistic culture. However, I believe that a Rule should grow from the positive aspects of our life, not what we perceive to be our failings. We should discern it in conversation with God and others in our community, and we must make God the focus of our Rule (don't focus on negative images of ourselves) and then we move in the directions in which we feel God's calling. A Rule of Life should be a response to being loved by God in the first place, and feeling moved to become what God calls us to be in this world.
Ever since St. Benedict's time, Christians have used a Rule of Life to provide an ancient yet powerfully consistent way to live into our present and future faith.
i attend a Spriritual Growth group every tuesday evening. last meeting, the "rule of life" was referenced and i was lucky enough be able to hear about it because i was not present the night it was spoken about in depth. one of our members did a beautiful job of revisiting the topic and it was very meaningful to me and it has been on my mind ever since then.
for many of us, there comes a point in our lives that we decide that whatever we are doing (doesn't matter how insignificant or of great magnatude) it just isn't working. it isn't what we want. we want different. we want less. we want more. we want. we want peace inside ourselves. we want to understand our space in the world and we want to create or recreate or redecorate our space.
the rule of life doesn't just happen. the rule of life requires your full attention to whatever it is you want to redecorate. total realization, total commitment and ultimate responsibility to yourself. once the line in your life is drawn.... the one you willingly, intentionally drew, there is no going back or kinda workin' on it. its not a new years resolution.
those involved willingly in spiritual groups who practice this idea sometimes take it a step further and draw a circle around the group which calls for further responsibility. the responsibility of showing up. it sounds a bit militant at first but once you think about it, it makes perfect sense. if you go to a group with a clear and honest desire for companionship, conversation and put your work, your emotion, your time into speaking truthfully and listening carefully, you want to know that you are not wasting your work, your emotion your thoughts. you want to resonate and connect. its hard to build trust if your time with people is not cohesive and continuous. some may find that not of their liking. it certainly isn't a "rule of life" fine print gotcha.
the circle also isn't closed once its drawn. in fact, because of its very nature, it is always reaching out wanting to grow, wanting to expand. so many of us want a place of fellowship and spiritual growth. a place to find others who are on a parallel journey. even if our journeys are different in nature. the committment is the same. we also know that with new members come new ideas and outlooks toward all sorts of possibilites of working through, starting new, redecoration of our individuality and our commonality.
so is the rule of life.
to get me where i want to be there are things i need to start doing and some things i need to stop doing. i am sure the list will grow as i do. but the first one for me on the stopping side is the negativity i have allowed myself to fall into yet again with a relationship that has no purpose other than adversarial banter. its negative clutter. it has no room in my life. its done and i am putting it away.
A Rule of Life is simply a structure in which spiritual formation is facilitated. The Latin term is regula, which we get our word regulation. I know most modern Christians don't like to think on rules constraining them, but each person's own Rule regulates their life in a way they see that is helps them to grow. It should be something you yearn to do. It is a tool for growth, not a pair of steel shackles.
The point of a Rule of Life, for communities or individuals, is that life should be lived in balance, with God as the focal point. A Rule of Life can provide us with the information and guidelines we need to get on the path of intentional practice of our Faith, and the loving accountability we need to keep us there. My Order has one that the Brothers follow, and we individualize it for our personal circumstances.
I find that there is strength in joining forces with others who have a similar hunger and desire to live the way of Jesus in the here and now. There is no doubt that we will fall short of keeping the rule in consistent ways, but this is why St. Benedict called his monasteries a "School for the Lord's service."
Practicing a Rule of Life with others moves us against the grain of our individualistic culture. However, I believe that a Rule should grow from the positive aspects of our life, not what we perceive to be our failings. We should discern it in conversation with God and others in our community, and we must make God the focus of our Rule (don't focus on negative images of ourselves) and then we move in the directions in which we feel God's calling. A Rule of Life should be a response to being loved by God in the first place, and feeling moved to become what God calls us to be in this world.
Ever since St. Benedict's time, Christians have used a Rule of Life to provide an ancient yet powerfully consistent way to live into our present and future faith.
i attend a Spriritual Growth group every tuesday evening. last meeting, the "rule of life" was referenced and i was lucky enough be able to hear about it because i was not present the night it was spoken about in depth. one of our members did a beautiful job of revisiting the topic and it was very meaningful to me and it has been on my mind ever since then.
for many of us, there comes a point in our lives that we decide that whatever we are doing (doesn't matter how insignificant or of great magnatude) it just isn't working. it isn't what we want. we want different. we want less. we want more. we want. we want peace inside ourselves. we want to understand our space in the world and we want to create or recreate or redecorate our space.
the rule of life doesn't just happen. the rule of life requires your full attention to whatever it is you want to redecorate. total realization, total commitment and ultimate responsibility to yourself. once the line in your life is drawn.... the one you willingly, intentionally drew, there is no going back or kinda workin' on it. its not a new years resolution.
those involved willingly in spiritual groups who practice this idea sometimes take it a step further and draw a circle around the group which calls for further responsibility. the responsibility of showing up. it sounds a bit militant at first but once you think about it, it makes perfect sense. if you go to a group with a clear and honest desire for companionship, conversation and put your work, your emotion, your time into speaking truthfully and listening carefully, you want to know that you are not wasting your work, your emotion your thoughts. you want to resonate and connect. its hard to build trust if your time with people is not cohesive and continuous. some may find that not of their liking. it certainly isn't a "rule of life" fine print gotcha.
the circle also isn't closed once its drawn. in fact, because of its very nature, it is always reaching out wanting to grow, wanting to expand. so many of us want a place of fellowship and spiritual growth. a place to find others who are on a parallel journey. even if our journeys are different in nature. the committment is the same. we also know that with new members come new ideas and outlooks toward all sorts of possibilites of working through, starting new, redecoration of our individuality and our commonality.
so is the rule of life.
You're figuring it out Nina. You are a beautiful woman and I have always known that. Life is challenging indeed but once we know what we need to change, life gets better but only if we decide to change it. Kudos to you for doing what you are doing. And by the way, you didn't loose or fail when you moved away into your new just took control of your life and decided to move away from someone next door who was toxic.
ReplyDeleteBeutifully said! I had a couple of "Ah-ha!" moments in reading your post.
ReplyDeleteYou only post comments if they're Anonymous? What a strange inner life you lead.
ReplyDeletebenefit of the doubt however, i am not stupid. i post comments from anyone to whom will not try to bring negativity into my life. as stated above. my first "to stop doing" in order to work toward peace in, as you say, my "inner life". but kudos to you for getting yourself published.... and thank you for giving me another chance to explain the Rule of Life to people. there are people i am finished with. there are activities i am finished with. there are reactions that i will no longer allow myself to engage in because they harm me.
ReplyDeleteand just in case you are wanting to comment about all of the "me" statememts i am making i will answer now so that we can wrap up this conversations. there is a reason you are told to put your oxygen mask on in an airplane emergency before you help someone else.
be well anonymous... all of you anonymouses...
Love it Nina...and I'm proud of you. Getting rid of the negativity in life will help in so many ways. Life can only get better from here. Thanks for sharing your heart and soul to those of us out there that are wondering in how you are doing. You are bold and have a lot of courage. Hang in there Nina! You are doing great...and in a year from now, you'll reflect on things and realize how much life has changed for you. You are beautiful! Best wishes to you and I will always check in to see how you are doing.