welcome to the next chapter...

once a long time ago, i read on a blog, "i am a lesbian but thats not all i am". i was then just teetering on the edge coming out as a lesbian. back then, although i understood what she was saying, i was completely drowning in that one dimension of my identity. i knew then i was more than also but such turmoil tends to shrink your field of vision. it is scary and exciting and anticipatory and it is exhausting.

i am almost 5 years out now. some things look differently in my life. some things are the same. but i revel in the knowledge that i am a lesbian and in the knowledge that i really am more than just... my field of vision has grown to include the wide open spaces of life's endless possibilies.

for those of you who know me, you will be able to find the familiar places of my old writings which i will have on the sidebar. for those who stumble upon me and find yourself confused by fragmented references or are struggling to come out later in life, you will find the Closer to Fine link most helpful. I recommend reading it from the beginning, it makes more sense.

one more thing, blame my lack of capital letters on e.e. cummings...

Sunday, September 4, 2011

still beautiful.....

sorry JD,  i would be glad to hand out fliers with your full name, work history, address, phone number and a brief history to everyone here at the condo if you feel you need more info about the lousy living conditions here....  they would be glad to write, email or call you and let you know just what they think... of you.   i would hate to think i was the only one enjoying myself.....  actually looking at all my neighbors,  i think they would  get a kick out of letting you know what you think of them.     they all seem to have an opinion that might surprise you if i decided to just go with the plan.... it would be fun....  gina helped a lot with all the info..... keep checking your mailbox and oddly enough we have a few Mainiacks here that would love to have a conversation with you.

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