as human beings we can always try to do better. To be better. To right a wrong. Even when it feels irreversible. Of course, I'm sorry doesn't always cut it. Maybe because we use it so many different ways. As a weapon. As an excuse. But, when we are really sorry, when we use it right. When we mean it. When our actions say what words never can. When we get it right "I'm sorry" is perfect. When we get it right, "I'm sorry" is redemption ~GA~
its true we can all do better as human beings. most of us are haunted by a wrong we have done and it will not leave us until we try to right it. but what happens when we do our best, we dip down into the place we keep our sincerity and it is still not right. its not what the apology was expected it to be. we stand confused, not understanding why we have given our deep down regrets and apologies and it still isn't enough. we are confronted with critique and rejection. what do we do? perhaps we try to find different words or we fall to our knees submitting to the one we desperately want forgiveness from. what happens when we humble ourselves in front of the person who we love so desperately and want to break the cycle of anger and they keep pummeling you with more of their disgruntlement. you have to decide to stay on your knees or get up and resign to the fact that there is something more that you don't have that they desperately need, and we walk away unforgiven.
then we have to forgive ourselves. not an easy thing to do. we live inside our selves and see the imperfections and we have to comfort ourselves, remind ourselves that we deserve forgiveness and that when it all comes down to it. if we dont forgive our selves, regardless of whether or not others have, we will never be the same. we will hold back the best of ourselves and we will stop taking chances on new situations. we seem to look at redemption as a gift we beg for others to give us but we need to learn that often it is us who need to forgive outselves if we ever want to have another good night's sleep and the courage to wake up in the morning and carry on.
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